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Terms and Conditions
Content Management & Licensing

Hello! Welcome to the Terms and Conditions section. These Terms and Conditions apply to the developments made with DigitalArts in the field of Content Management & Licensing. By accessing our products and services, you are agreeing to the terms detailed below. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you will not be able to access our products or services.

DASMART001 - Scope of the terms and conditions

The present Terms and Conditions presented in this section are intended to provide clarity regarding the alliance between DigitalArts (formerly SF.COM) and EnterByte IT Services (hereinafter "partner"), regarding the service provided jointly within SmartDisplay.

These terms and conditions came into effect in stages, beginning with the start of the agreement during the month of December, 2022.

DASMART002 - Aspects to take into account

These terms, although they came into effect in an "informal" manner at first (via email between DigitalArts and EnterByte IT Services), seek to provide the greatest possible clarity in order to continue the synergy between both parties and guarantee the continuity of said alliance over time.

DASMART003 - Products and services involved

The agreement includes the products and services listed below provided by DigitalArts to the partner:

  • Licensing of Digital Material to be shared with end clients on the partner side.
  • Level 2 Support Service at MagicInfo for end customers.
  • Development, Support, SEO optimization and Update of Smart Display platforms, Smart Display Catalog, and EnterByte site.
  • Email Marketing Service to customer databases.

DASMART004 - Monthly payment value update agreements

DigitalArts and the partner agree on a series of fees that vary depending on the type of service and/or product. These monthly fees will be updated as agreed with the partner based on the type of service as described below:

  • Monthly Fee for Development, Support, SEO optimization and Update of Smart Display platforms, Smart Display Catalog, and EnterByte site: Update every 3 (three) months based on the inflation index published by INDEC.
  • Monthly Fee for Level 2 Support Service at MagicInfo for end customers: Update every 6 (six) months based on the inflation index published by INDEC and/or agreement with the adjustment partner, if warranted.*1.
  • Monthly Fee for Licensing of Digital Material to be shared with end customers on the partner side: Update every 6 (six) months based on the inflation index published by INDEC and/or agreement with the adjustment partner, if applicable.
  • Monthly Fee for Email Marketing Service to Customer Databases: Free service for up to 2000 email addresses with a limit of 4 emails sent to the database per month, provided that the aforementioned items are maintained.

*1 In the event that demand or the number of accounts exceeds the capacity of the DigitalArts team and this requires expanding the team, the partner will be notified of this need and this could affect the fee in the future, as long as the situation warrants it.

DASMART005 - EnterByte IT Services Content and Site Licensing

DigitalArts and the partner agree that:

DigitalArts reserves the right to intellectual property of all digital content designed and developed by the company, of which the partner has the right to exploit as long as the alliance enters into force.

On the other hand, it is also established that all updates, designs and developments carried out on the EnterByte IT Services sites as well as in the administration and management of the MagicInfo platform, are the exclusive property of the partner.

DASMART006 - Content and Application Management Services

Content Management Service is understood as the service that the partner provides in conjunction with DigitalArts to end customers in the retail segment. This content management includes access to an online catalogue, professional video material and management of the MagicInfo platform. 

The agreed plans are listed below:

  • Plan BASIC
  • Plan Plus
  • Plan Premium
  • Plan Custom

The plans apply by branchThat is, if the entrepreneur has more than one branch and wishes to contract one of the plans for more than one, a special plan will be made to be agreed upon as appropriate.

DASMART007 - Content Management Services: Basic Plan

The content management service Basic Plan includes:

  • Access to the catalogue: Food, Pastries, Cafeteria, Promotional Cycles, Lubricants, Menu Boards for 2 screens, Shell Institutional, Intros.
  • Notice of Promotional Cycle of New and New Promotions.
  • Configuration, management of agendas and screens, price changes within 24/48 hours, regular maintenance of the digital signage system (does not include on-site visits).
  • If you would like to create custom content, this will be quoted separately. *See "Custom Content" section.
  • Up to 5 screens.

Additional Notes:

  1. Price changes, playback changes (content additions and deletions), screen configuration changes and agenda changes will be made within 24/48 business hours of the request.
  2. Requested changes to custom content (editing changes to texts) within 72 business hours of request.
  3. They can be requested up to 3 full change requests per calendar month (see point 1), except for the content of the "News" category.

DASMART008 - Content Management Services: Plus Plan

The content management service Plus Plan includes:

  • Access to the complete Shell Catalog: Food, Pastries, Cafeteria, Promotional Cycles, Lubricants, Menu Boards for 2 and 3 screens, Shell Institutional, Intros.
  • Notice of new releases, new video pieces, promotions and content for special dates. While you are in News (15 days) you can request it freely.
  • Configuration, management of agendas and screens, price changes within 24/48 hours, regular maintenance of the digital signage system (does not include on-site visits).
  • If you would like to create custom content, this will be quoted separately. *See "Custom Content" section.
  • Exclusive benefit of 10% discount on custom content editing. (By additional quote)
  • Up to 10 screens.

Additional Notes:

  1. Price changes, playback changes (content additions and deletions), screen configuration changes and agenda changes will be made within 24/48 business hours of the request.
  2. Requested changes to custom content (editing changes to texts) within 72 business hours of request.
  3. They can be requested up to 3 full change requests per calendar month (see point 1), except for the content of the "News" category.

DASMART009 - Content Management Services: Premium Plan

The content management service Premium Plan includes:

  • All the services of the Plus Plan, plus what is mentioned below.
  • Production of customized digital pieces, up to 5 (five) selected products in simple horizontal and/or vertical format per semester, Full HD resolution, duration up to 20 seconds, includes an individual product or promotion, does not include menuboards, advertising spots, or any other medium/high complexity video. (You can send us the photograph or we can quote the service with our photographer in the studio).
  • If you would like to create custom content, this will be quoted separately. *See "Custom Content" section.
  • Exclusive benefit of 15% discount on editing and 10% discount on photography, this also includes the configuration of the content in the playlists that are indicated.
  • Up to 15 screens.

Additional Notes:

  1. Price changes, playback changes (content additions and deletions), screen configuration changes and agenda changes will be made within 24/48 business hours of the request.
  2. Requested changes to custom content (editing changes to texts) within 72 business hours of request.
  3. They can be requested up to 3 full change requests per calendar month (see point 1), except for the content of the "News" category.
  4. The production time for editing custom content included in the Premium Plan will be 5 business days, not including photography time if required.

DASMART010 - Content Management Services: Custom Plan

The special service for Conventional TVs content management Custom Plan includes:

  • Access to the catalog: Food, Pastries, Cafeteria, Promotional Cycles, Lubricants, Menu Boards for 1 screen, Shell Institutional, Intros.
  • Sending 1 horizontal video with a maximum of 10 promotions of the client's choice that are in our catalogue.
  • Sending 1 vertical video with a maximum of 10 promotions of the client's choice that are in our catalogue.
  • Sending a video with 5 institutional contents to be able to play alternatively while the price change is being carried out (as an “alternative channel”).
  • Includes 3 monthly price changes and/or editions*.
  • If you would like to create custom content, this will be quoted separately. *See "Custom Content" section.
  • Exclusive benefit of 10% discount on custom content editing. (By additional quote)
  • The production and editing period for videos will take a maximum of 72 business hours.

Additional Notes:

  1. Price changes, playback changes (content additions and deletions), screen configuration changes and agenda changes will be made within 24/48 business hours of the request.
  2. Requested changes to custom content (editing changes to texts) within 72 business hours of request.
  3. They can be requested up to 3 complete changes per calendar month (see point 1), including content in the News category.

* Editing involves removing, adding or exchanging one promotion for another, always respecting the total of 10 contents. Promotions are not sent separately.

Action in case of requests that exceed the established maximum amounts:

In the event that during the month the amount paid exceeds the agreed amounts, the table of adjustments to be applied is established below:

Up to 5 additional video pieces: The 15% increase is applied to the next monthly payment based on the value of the following month. In other words, the adjustment is made against the invoice.

Up to 10 additional video pieces: The 30% increase is applied to the next monthly payment based on the value of the following month. That is, the adjustment is made against the invoice.

Up to 20 additional video pieces: The 50% increase is applied to the next monthly payment based on the value of the following month. In other words, the adjustment is made against the invoice.

Up to 30 additional video pieces: The 75% increase is applied to the next monthly payment based on the value of the following month. In other words, the adjustment is made against the invoice.

DASMART011 - Licensed Contents

Licensed Content is understood to mean the graphic and/or multimedia material designed and developed by DigitalArts.

Such Licensed Content is made available to the DigitalArts team and the partner, as well as to the end customer, as applicable. Unless otherwise indicated, it is automatically updated on the Smart Display platforms.

These Licensed Contents include:

  • Promotional Cycles
  • Individual Promotions
  • Special Dates
  • Promotional Spots
  • Menuboards
  • Intros

This content will be developed by DigitalArts according to the demand and priorities established with the partner.

DASMART012 - Custom Content

Custom Content is understood to be all content offered by the partner or requested by the end client and not included in the Licensed Content, and which requires an additional budget which must be approved by the partner and/or client. Unlike Licensed Content, DigitalArts transfers the license for this content to the end client for its use and reproduction over time.

Although the end client may use the acquired digital material as he or she wishes, DigitalArts reserves the right not to share material associated with content produced in specific editing formats using design tools. In the event that the end client requests such files, this will have an additional cost not included in the budget sent for the production of the material.

Within these personalized contents, there are three types of segments to consider, which will affect not only the quote but also the completion times:

Low complexity content: Low-complexity content is understood as multimedia pieces that do not require interventions in the submitted photograph, and also seek to be played on one screen at a time, that is, synchronized content is excluded from this segment. In addition, the duration of this type of content is not greater than 20/25 seconds.

Medium complexity content: Medium complexity content is understood to be that which is designed to be played on more than one screen, with a maximum of two screens. In addition, it has a maximum duration of 60 seconds and has synchronized material without major effects or complex developments. Such developments may include a preliminary design to be validated by the end client or partner, as part of the first stage of development.

High complexity content: High complexity content is understood as more complex developments that require more development time. This material can be synchronized up to 6 screens and includes what is known as Data Entry, that is, for example, the creation of Menuboards or complex Promotions that include product listings or promotions.

DASMART013- Use of Email Marketing and Databases

Within the comprehensive proposal for joint growth through the marketing of Professional Digital Signage Content, DigitalArts provides partners with Email Marketing tools as well as the expertise for optimal management at no additional cost.

DigitalArts is responsible for designing each template, message and images adapted to the format, which are validated with the partner. This copy (text) is taken from the main Smart Display site. In the event that the partner wants to communicate with a different copy (text), they must send it to DigitalArts to create the appropriate template.

Likewise, both parties agree to add the different databases they own in order to achieve joint growth in the medium-long term. DigitalArts agrees not to use the databases acquired on its own account for purposes outside the alliance with the partner, as long as said alliance continues, nor will it market said network on its own account.

DASMART014- Use of resources and support systems

DigitalArts will provide the partner with a ticket system to generate greater organization when following up on the requests that come in on a daily basis, as well as a space in the cloud hosted on an external server (Mega.NZ) as well as in an internal account (DigitalArts Cloud).

In the event of any future failure or inconvenience with this system, DigitalArts will propose an alternative way to deal with requests until the problem is resolved via email.

DASMART015- Deadlines

The estimated timeframes for carrying out tasks that arise vary depending on the type. For example, the timeframes for carrying out changes to websites are not the same as those that can be handled for changes related to Level 2 Support.

Likewise, changes to licensed content or custom content also vary depending on the level of complexity and duration of the content.

These deadlines will be reported in the budgets that are prepared, analyzing each case individually.

DASMART016 - Partnership Discounts

As part of our strategic alliance between DigitalArts and EnterByte IT Services, we are pleased to offer you a 10% discount on all our products and services outside of the services listed on Smart Display. This discount will be automatically applied to all orders placed and does not require any promotional code. It is important to note that this discount cannot be combined with other discounts offered.


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