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Web Design by Frydman & Associates

In 2023, in Argentina, SF.COM had the privilege of collaborating with a prominent accounting firm in Buenos Aires. Dr. Alicia Frydman, a representative of the firm, contacted us to address critical issues with their existing website, previously developed by another agency. Below we detail the process and results of this transformative project.


Problem Identification

The firm was facing several issues with its previous website, which had been outdated and unmaintained since 2018. These issues hampered navigation and functionality, affecting the firm's corporate image and operational efficiency.

Proposed Solution

After a thorough evaluation, SF.COM proposed developing a new website instead of updating the existing one. Our goal was not only to solve the technical problems, but also to design a modern and functional platform that reflects the identity and professionalism of the firm.

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Project Development

We worked closely with the firm to understand their specific needs and objectives. This phase included:

  • Requirements Gathering: We identify the firm's key needs through detailed meetings.
  • Planning and Design: We developed a detailed plan that included a clear and coherent information architecture, along with a modern and attractive design.
  • Technology Implementation: Integration of the latest web technologies to ensure optimal performance and superior user experience.

Execution and Delivery Time

The new website was developed in a record time of 17-20 days. During this period, we made sure that each stage of the project met the highest quality standards set by DigitalArts.

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Project Results

At the end of the project, we delivered a high-quality website to the firm that met all of its requirements and objectives. The new site not only solved previous problems, but also significantly improved the user experience and the firm's corporate image.

Commitment to Excellence: A Successful Collaboration with a Leading Accounting Firm

At DigitalArts, we are proud to have collaborated with this leading accounting firm and to have delivered a successful project. This experience reinforces our commitment to excellence and our ability to meet the specific needs of our clients through customized and effective solutions.

Our experience was very positive because it analyzes the client's expectations and needs,
has responsiveness, reliability, security and empathy.
DigitalArts | Proyectos | Diseño | artículos | Email Marketing | Grafico | Diseño grafico | Diseño Web | Mantenimiento Web | SEO
Maria Marta Balda
Argentine Association of Hospital Pharmacists
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